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  • 2️⃣112: 2UESDAY 2025 📋

2️⃣112: 2UESDAY 2025 📋

perfect day 2 end the year

Seems fitting that 2024 ends on a 2uesday, since 2025 will be the year of 2UESDAY. Bigger and better than ever before.

I’d rather not keep you here too long as you prep for your year-end celebrations, but there are a few housekeeping things I want to go over with you before that happens.


You’ll notice next week that 2UESDAY has rebranded with new colors + a new look and feel. That’s not to say the 2UESDAY branding you already know and love is going away, that’s going to be the main branding forever.

I’m doing this because I want to do something different for every “season.” Think of these “seasons” just like sports seasons. I will be active for a while sending emails, and then I’ll take a break for some time to regroup and prepare for the next season. My goal is to give each season its own unique theme for how it’s presented and what’s included.

We’ve already had:

Tuesday: Year One (figuring out what we were)

2UESDAYSEASON2 —> doubling down on what we know and love

We’re about to have :

2UESDAY VOL 3 —> taking what you know and love and making it bigger and better

After that, we’ll have: 2UESDAY SENIOR YEAR.

And so on and so forth (I already have ideas through 10 seasons of 2UESDAY, don’t play with me).

You might think it’s a lot of unnecessary work, but I’d disagree. I’m going to push 2UESDAY to the limits of what it’s capable of visually and creatively, so you know that when it comes to 2UESDAY, you never know what to expect, but nothing is ever unexpected. Don’t be surprised when we start talking about something, and you’re like, “Oh, he’s doing this now?” Yes, I am.

Not only that, I also see it as an opportunity to showcase the work of the incredibly talented people I know and admire.

2UESDAY branding was created by my friend Andrea Baridon, go hire her for some creative design work, she’s amazing: https://www.andreabaridon.com/.

2UESDAY VOL 3 branding was done by my friend Kristen Bedasse, go hire her for some UX Design work (https://www.kristenbedasse.com/), or maybe to put together some beautiful floral arrangements or buy some of her art (https://knb-studios.com/).

My goal with this is not just to have you read my emails, but to showcase incredible stuff that I enjoy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Two words that most people never want to hear.

I wish I could tell you that putting together this newsletter is just a personal passion project I do for fun on the side with no other intentions. But that’s not true. It takes a lot of time and effort to not only write these emails, but to also edit them and prepare them for the world, and to constantly remind people to read (because there are so many things vying for your attention nowadays, it’s always a challenge).

I want to build a life doing this, I want to be able to provide for myself and my family through the 2UESDAY work that I’m excited to share every week. But we’re not there yet, creative things like these take time. And I’m perfectly okay with that, we’ll keep writing until the doors open, and I’ll keep having a full-time job until I no longer have to.

Nevertheless, on the way to reaching my goals, there are certain things I’m trying to do to accelerate the process. Ads are one of those things. Through the incredible beehiiv platform which hosts this newsletter, I’m provided the opportunity to include ads for other newsletters that you can click on and subscribe to, and which in turn give me $$ when you do so. I would rather not have ads in every single email I send, so we’ll test out a few here and there to see how you respond. Let’s leave the status of ads as FLUID for the moment.

Another option to make money is by offering a Premium Subscription, which are emails you can only read if you pay to read them. I tried that during SEASON2, creating a Paid Subscription Tier and giving the people who signed up for that access to one exclusive short story a month. That proved to be more difficult than I anticipated, since the short stories I write sometimes take years of workshopping in my brain before they’re actually finished, so that wasn’t sustainable either. I have over 300 subscribers, but only 3 people signed up for a premium subscription. Shoutout to all 3 of you, especially because you kept your subscription active even when there was no benefit to it except giving me money. It’s actions like those that give me the push I need to keep going when it feels like all of this is for nothing.

Thank you, you know who you are ❣️

We’re going to try something different this year. I’ve decided that all emails will always be free. You can subscribe to this newsletter forever without paying anything. But if you ever do feel like providing monetary support, there are a few ways to do it.


The lowest-priced premium subscription. You want to support 2UESDAY, but you’re also strapped for cash. That’s totally understandable. Two dollars a month still goes a long way towards showing you care.


>Sleep better at night knowing your helping keep 2UESDAY alive

>2UESDAY holiday card

>David’s undying gratitude

FRIENDS of 2UESDAY - $5/month or $100/year

You understand it’s difficult to build a media company from a newsletter, but you want to see 2UESDAY reach its full potential. You have the option of a low monthly cost, or a yearly payment that shows how much you care.


>Sleep better at night knowing your helping keep 2UESDAY alive

>Special 2UESDAY holiday gift

>David’s undying gratitude and random text messages saying THANK YOU SO MUCH


>Sleep better at night knowing your helping keep 2UESDAY alive

>Special 2UESDAY holiday gift (with extras)

>David’s undying gratitude and random text messages saying THANK YOU SO MUCH + random memes

2UESDAY Benefactors - $500 lifetime subscription

You’re like the Medicis were to da Vinci, except my name is David and I write emails instead of carving magnificent sculptures of men named David (yes, I know that wasn’t da Vinci, but they sponsored him too).


>You’re part of the 2UESDAY family, forever.

>A very special 2UESDAY holiday gift (with all of the extras)

>David’s undying gratitude in this life and the next.

That’s everything I wanted to cover with you today. I hope you have a great night celebrating the end of the year surrounded by people you love. And I hope you’re as excited for 2UESDAY VOL 3 as I am.

If you want to sign up for a premium subscription right now, you can do so right here.


Please make sure to share 2UESDAY with as many people as you know so we can keep getting new subscribers.

And don’t forget to follow 2uesday on every social platform available as we continue to grow and find new ways to share awesome shit with you.



or to participate.