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  • 2️⃣000: celebrating the best day of the week 📆

2️⃣000: celebrating the best day of the week 📆

martes 🇵🇷 | terça-feira 🇵🇹 | utorak 🇭🇷 | úterý 🇨🇿 | tirsdag 🇩🇰 | chewsday 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

it's been said Tuesday has no feel 

Monday feels like the worst. Either you’re having a case of the Mondays like Michael Bolton, or you’re excited to get your week started and dive headfirst into your tasks (in which case, you’re a Sociopath). There’s no in-between. That’s just the way it is.

Wednesday is Hump Day. It’s the day you look forward to because it tells you there are only two more days left in this meaningless pre-determined set of time we refer to as “The Workweek.”

Thursday is baby Friday. Friday JR. The actual first day of the weekend. Thirsty Thursday. Es focking Jueves cabrón, aka “It’s okay if I get drunk and have a hangover tomorrow because I only have to get through one day of work before I’m free because it’s Friday🍻

Friday is Friday. Few things compare to leaving the office on a Friday afternoon and blasting music on the way home as every neuron in your body is firing on all cylinders and you're overcome with the feeling that anything in the world is possible at this very moment because you worked hard all week to earn yourself two nights and two days of #FREEDOM

What’s not to love about Saturday? It’s your one day of actual peace and tranquility. You can stay out late the night before, sleep in, stay out late tonight, and sleep in tomorrow 💤

When it comes to Sundayit’s a love/hate relationship. Sunday has a very particular feeling of boundless hope mixed with existential dread. It feels something like this.

That leaves us with the most inconspicuous day of the week: Tuesday

Starting the moment after you finish reading this sentence, it shall forever be known as 2UESDAY.

(aka the day of the week formally known as Tuesday with a T)

It has been said, “Tuesday has no feel.”

I’ll agree to disagree

2UESDAY has a feel

It feels like something everyone has collectively decided to forget about.


not even forget, because to forget means to initially acknowledge.

Except for food-themed alliterations, the occasional NBA Finals game, and a song that only makes sense in the few US cities that party during the week, there’s not much going up on a Tuesday.

To me—

2UESDAY is a blank canvas 🎨

A dry-erase board that gets wiped down every week because no one cares to remember what happened 168 hours ago (there was probably nothing worth remembering anyway).

But I think it’s time we show 2UESDAY some love 🫶🏽

If you’re ready to make it your favorite day of the week, take a ride with me ⛵️


or to participate.