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  • 2️⃣048: Mom's Spaghetti 🍝

2️⃣048: Mom's Spaghetti 🍝

the world is yours for the taking 🌎


Are you alone? Take a quick look around and make sure no one else is reading this. This is personal, so I want it to be just you and me.

There's somebody there? Okay, I'll wait a few seconds….

Cool, now that it's just us, I wanted to talk to you about something. It's hard to do when so many people are reading, but at least we've found this space where we can have some privacy.

I wanted to thank you for coming through every week and reading all the things I have to say. Even if you might not understand all of them (especially when they're out of context). Even if you don't get all the jokes and references. Even if we don't know each other except on the internet or maybe we met once in person and something I did convinced you to subscribe, you still decide to come here week after week and give me your time and attention (the thing everyone is fighting for these days). And especially if you've known me for a long time because that means you aren't fed up with me yet. So the possibility exists that even more people could be interested in what I have to say for years and even decades to come. I might have something here, even though we're still just getting started.

What I've been meaning to say is…I'm scared. I'm pretty nervous.

Most days, I wake up, and I have no idea what I'm doing. Often, people come to me with questions and I pretend I have it all together when the truth is I'm just as lost as they are. I'm the first to say, "Life is a rollercoaster. There will always be ups and downs, and you need to be equally prepared to make the most of them." Then I'll enjoy my good times thinking they're never going to end, and be totally surprised when the tough times come around. Like, dude, weren't you the one with the wise quotes just two sentences ago?

I know it takes commitment and consistency to create something that will be truly impactful. When I started writing the emails, I figured once a week wouldn't be that hard. Right? Fuck it. It's actually so doable. I'm going to promise everybody 999 emails with one every single week no matter what. And maybe by the time we get to 999, we're doing some incredible shit people never thought possible from a simple digital communication every 7 days.

For the first 6 months, I'd get at least one new subscriber every week. The numbers kept ticking up little by little, whether it was through my IG story or bringing it up to a random person. But the last few weeks, I haven't gotten a single new subscriber. And it's been very disheartening. And things have picked up at work and in other areas of my life, and I've had less time to sit down and research ideas and work on my writing. I feel like I'm doing good, but I could always be doing better.

I get asked a lot, "Do you feel like you're too hard on yourself?"

I've never felt like I'm unfair to myself. I hold myself to a standard I know I can reach, and anything less than that isn't a failure, it just means I have to keep working and learning and growing.

There's so much I want to do and write and read and see and experience. I feel like every week, I'm just keeping my head above water, telling myself, "You'll be able to do all those things one day soon." But if we keep waiting for that day to magically arrive, it's never going to happen. I think the actions we take every day and thoughts we allow to guide us lead us towards those moments we've been hoping for. But merely hoping is never going to get you there.

You have to do something you've never done to get something you've never had (or whatever the fuck that #grindsetmentality account posted on their story that someone else shared).

And sometimes, it feels like you take three steps forward only to go five steps backward. Or maybe it feels like the hard days have just become the normal days, and things are never going to get better.

I'm still committed to writing every week. On a 2uesday, at any point during the 24 hours of that day. It's not always going to be an award-winning piece of work. But I hope you keep coming back because you care about what I have to say, and it's a welcome distraction from all the other shit going on in your life.

You have so many apps to use, platforms to stream on, and videos that are constantly being created in all lengths, shapes, and formats. Enough content published every day that would make a 14th-century peasant's head explode from trying to understand the sheer magnitude of the volume. Yet, you choose to spend 5-10 minutes with me every week.

Thank you for that 🥰



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